Ann, founder of Leamington Spa Macular Society Support Group

Created by Lizzie one year ago
Ann was diagnosed with Macular Disease in 2002 and in 2005 she attended the annual Macular Disease conference in London where she spoke to the then chairwoman, Gwyn Dickinson, telling her there was no support group in Leamington or the surrounding area. Gwyn challenged Ann to do something about it. Ann couldn’t resist the challenge as she felt strongly that newly diagnosed people with a Macular condition needed information and support, especially as in the early 2000’s people were still being given the devastating news that there was nothing that could be done to help them so they faced the prospect of losing their sight. 
By April 2006 Ann had used her initiative and much graft to form The Leamington Spa Macular Support Group. At the Group’s first meeting a small committee was formed and such were Ann’s persuasive powers that at the next meeting I found myself as the Social Events organiser.  
Ann was also partially responsible for helping to start the Macular Group in Coventry. For a few years following the formation of The Leamington Group several people from Coventry attended the meetings. Ann encouraged one of the Coventry members to set up a support group in the city and that group is still thriving today. 
Ann was passionate about supporting the people who attended the Group; she didn’t do anything half heartedly. She organised informative meetings about Macular conditions as well as more light-hearted gatherings that showed us her fun side: an ‘Easter Bonnet’ parade, sing-alongs and even Line Dancing were attempted. 
Ann enthusiastically spread the word about ‘The Group’ by distributing notices, putting inserts in the local paper and giving talks to groups and organisations.
When an awareness table was set up in The Royal Priors Ann made sure the Town Mayor and the local press knew about it and attended.
When the time came for Ann to hand over the reins she worked hard to ensure that the Group survived. Meetings do continue and started again in May this year following a long break during the Covid pandemic. Founding The Leamington Macular Group and running it for several years is part of Ann’s legacy to her community and those she supported.  
Jane Davies, Leamington Spa Macular Society Support Group.